Greg 6th March 2019

I have waited this long to share my thoughts hoping to share a profound and uplifting statement regarding Jackie, or as I called her often... Jax. I have no profound comments. What is so profound is that a simple man like myself from North Carolina, USA happened upon this lady and her husband Dave by happenstance in 2008 in Denver Colorado. Of course, attending a Roger Waters concert. I recall our first real time, Jackie, Dave and I sitting at an outdoor table enjoying a beverage and just talking. We were all just people on the internet who had been drawn together by music and musicians. I am 5th generation English here in the US and it meant so much to me to connect with people in such a way from my fore fathers homeland. How on earth could anyone not fall in love with Dave and Jackie? Well, I did. We all kept in touch through these lovely interwebs. If my memory serves we only saw each other 4 times I think. Each time because of the same types of gatherings. It was always a thrill for me to arrive at one of these adventures and see Dave and Jackie. Her bright eyes, her warm hugs, her captivating smile, quick wit and humour. Even when they were here in the States and I wasn't able to attend I followed their adventures and we chatted on the phone some. I was so proud to travel to England in 2011 and it was such a joy to visit them in their country as we had visited in mine. The last time I saw her was in the US, in Virginia at 2 dear friends wedding, I believe it was in 2013. She looked so lovely, she was dressed so beautifully in a way that accented his eyes, hair and smile. And Dave, I'll not forget the suspenders you wore. The chats, the laughter, all of the fun. She gave the best hugs. I loved her then and love her now. I always will. I deeply admire her courageous battle with the savage beast that took her from us all. Daily updates were provided to her friends from various places. First by her, then later by her son. I watched for these daily and hoped that things could improve or at the very least she would not suffer. She was a brave and wonderful soul. This world was a better place with her in it. I feel her absence. I certainly hope to see Dave again and meet their sons for the first time. I think that will happen, some sunny day. It amazes me to this day that a person like her and a person like myself can connect in such a deep way being thousands of miles apart and having such different lives in other worlds. My world is better for having known you. You, my dear Jax, will NEVER be forgotten. All of my love, dear, dear Jackie.